Break My Heart For What Breaks Yours…

Photo by Hernan Pauccara on

My heart is heavy.

 There is so much going on in today’s world that it is hard not to feel heavy-hearted.

This morning, the thing that has me feeling so heavy hearted, is the 2021 Grammy performance by Cardi B.

No, I did not watch the Grammys. Yet the performance is everywhere.

Before I get too far down this rabbit hole, there was a time, not too long ago, I would have joined the 8 million Americans and watched the Grammy’s. There was a time when I probably would have listened to Cardi B’s song WAP and not got entirely outraged.

You may be wondering what has changed so much that what I used to consider entertainment is now an abomination ( I do not use the term abomination lightly). Have you ever heard the saying “when you know better, you do better”? Well, that is precisely what happened to me!

Once I began following Christ, my life started to change. The things I used to enjoy, which only satisfied my flesh, began to lose their appeal. I started seeing things for the lies that they were.

My fellow 80’s babies probably remember shows like 90210 and Melrose Place. You probably grew up watching soap operas with your grandmothers and mothers. One of my all-time favorite movies growing up was Dirty Dancing.

I loved 90210 so much I never missed an episode! In fact I would watch old reruns of it. I even collected all their Barbies.

I was 9 when 90210 came out. I have a 9-year-old daughter. Would I allow my 9-year-old to watch it? Absolutely not!

I don’t know if anyone else watched that show, but I can still remember the drama, the sexually active teens, teen pregnancy, and alcohol and drug use.

Please don’t think I am entirely blaming my bad choices on a tv program because I am not. But do I believe the things I grew up watching had something to do with my programming? Absolutely!

This may sound crazy to some, and some out there maybe can relate. Growing up, I do not remember being taught that I was supposed to wait till marriage to have sex. Not saying my parents never told me that, I just don’t remember ever hearing it. It could be because culture had a greater influence on me than my home did. What I do remember is watching shows like 90210, Melrose Place, and movies like Dirty Dancing and Grease (It pains me to include my favorite films in this), where being sexually active was promoted.

So, the Cardi B thing is nothing new.

But I am!

It breaks my heart to see our youth being conditioned and programmed that being promiscuous is ok. I believed that lie, and the consequences were grave. For a long time, I thought my value was in how attractive I was, and before I knew it, I felt like it was a duty and obligation to have sex. This soon became the way I felt loved and needed. I did not value it for the gift God gave us. It was a means of making myself feel better.

Sex is a tool the enemy uses to steal our souls. God created it to be a beautiful thing between a husband and wife, and the enemy has wholly distorted it.

We live in a society where being a freak is celebrated, and waiting for marriage is old-fashioned. Yet, we can not understand why the sex industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and human trafficking is at an all time high. You may be thinking, “well, I don’t watch porn, so I’m not part of the problem,” or “I’ve never paid for sex, so I’m good.”

We are all apart of the problem!

Cardi B performing WAP on National Television proves this statement.

Over 8 million Americans watched the Grammys. I am sure that number has more than tripled at this point.

What are we teaching our children?

I looked up the lyrics to WAP. I couldn’t even finish reading them.

My heart breaks for Cardi B, the little girls and young women looking up to her.

I am also angry that, as a society, we think this is ok. I know there are people out there who think this stuff is liberating for women and think censoring such things is against our freedom of speech.

I, for one, see this as a setback for women. I see this as oversexualizing women. I see this adding money to a multi-billion-dollar industry instead of adding value to women. I see this teaching our young men they don’t have to value women or respect them because we are only there for their pleasure. I see this teaching our little girls that they have to dress provocatively in order to be attractive. I see more young women getting sexually abused and raped because we sex is constantly put across their screens. I see a lost and broken world.

I hope whoever reads this will join me in praying for this world, for our sons and daughters, and for the lies of the enemy to be revealed. I pray we use the platforms God has given us to expose the lies and reveal the truth.

If you’re like me, the thought has probably come into your head that you don’t have a platform. Do not believe that lie! Our homes are our platform, our friends, our schools, our jobs, and the people God has placed in our lives to influence are our platforms! Whether we see it or not, we are always influencing someone!

Time For Jesus

Photo by Jordan Benton on

I went to the beach today thinking it would be a great way to end this year. 2020 has certainly been a year I wont miss. Our country has been torn apart by racism, politics and a pandemic. People have lost loved ones and jobs, we have been forced to slow down due to shutdowns and quarantines. We have had to adapt to so many changes and find a new normal.

One constant has remained and that is the goodness of God!

I’ve spent allot of time these last couple days reflecting on this year. I’ve lost a loved one to cancer, lost friends to overdose, lost a job and have had to make some really tough decisions. All of this and I can still say with a certainty that God is still good! For every loss I’ve had multiple gains and reasons to celebrate life.

I pray we all take the time to reflect on our year, and as we do we look for all the blessings amongst the chaos.

Let me get back to my beach trip and what inspired me to sit down and write…

While at the beach there was a few guys working on some artwork in the sand. Anyone that is familiar with Johnnie Mercers Pier at Wrightsville Beach probably knows what I’m talking about. Right by the pier you will always find beautifully written in the sand the name of Jesus or a message about Him. Today I had the pleasure of meeting the crew responsible for this. There is a father, a son and a friend that faithfully come out everyday to either repair or put something new. I asked about how long it takes them and when he responded 4 hours I was amazed at their dedication.

The Title they gave for this is “Time for Jesus”

Along with feeling amazed I also felt a little convicted. At times I struggle with spending 30 mins with Jesus, and they come out every day and spend hours on their knees in the sand and back and forth carrying buckets of water from the ocean.

I watched them work diligently and take the time to talk to each curious passer by, never getting frustrated at the constant stops they made or my questions. I listened as the older gentlemen of the group explained to some teenagers the meaning of “time for Jesus”. You could see the passion and joy they had for what they were doing, and that was spreading the word of Christ.

I thanked them for their hard work and dedication and their response was” it’s all for our King”!

Lord I pray going into this new year we all have the mindset of “its all for our King”! No matter what 2021 brings may we keep our eyes fixed on the One that never changes, our calm in the storm of life, our anchor in the raging sea. I pray we all have revelation of who we are in Christ and the gift that our salvation is. May we all make the choice to be atmosphere changers and show the love of Christ to each and every person we encounter.

Happy New Year and God Bless!

Previous work they done


Photo by Natalie on

This morning after I dropped my kids off at school, this over whelming sadness hit me. I started having my own little pity party…

Does this ever happen to you? Everything will be fine and then BAM out of no where, you start feeling sorry for yourself?

Well my pity party quickly brought out some issues of rejection that were hidden in my heart.

After wallowing in this way longer than I should of, I got up and put on some praise music. I slowly felt the tangible heartache start to dissipate. And heard the Lord tell me to read Ephesians.

Boy, Ephesians is such a wonderful chapter! After reading the first five chapters all the rejection and despair I was feeling, was completely gone. Thank you Lord that Your Word has the power to change and transform our hearts!

Once I finished reading, I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to write down all the verses I had underlined, in the form of a letter. I started with the last verse I had underlined and worked my way backwards. The end result is a beautiful letter of encouragement.

I pray it encourages you as much as it has me…

My Dearest Beloved,

For once you were full of darkness, but now you have the light from the Lord. This light within you only produces what is good, right and true.

I beg you to live a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God!

I pray that from His glorious, unlimited resources He will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit. Then Christ will make His home in your hearts. As you trust in Him, your roots will grow deep down into God’s love and keep you strong. And you may have the power to understand, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. You will be made complete with all fullness of life and power that comes from God.

All glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power, to accomplish infinitely more than we can ask or even think!

Because of Christ and our faith in Him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence.

You are members of God’s family!

We are God’s masterpiece!

He has created us anew in Christ, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago. Even before He made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ, to be holy and without fault in His eyes! God decided in advance to adopt us into His family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ.

That is what He wanted to do and it gave Him great pleasure!

He is so rich in kindness and grace that He purchased our freedom with the blood of His Son and forgave our sins. He has showered all kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.

Furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for He chose us in advance, and He makes everything work out according to His plan.

He did all this so we, His holy people who are rich in glorious inheritance, would praise and glorify Him!

Understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us. This is the same power that raised Christ from the dead! (Ephesians 1-5)

It still amazes me how God uses His Word to speak to us individually right where we are. I pray that whoever reads this God speaks to you right where you are.

Attitude of Gratitude

As I’m laying in bed this morning, I am overwhelmed with gratitude.

On Monday’s my husband is off from work so he gives me the morning off. He gets the kids up and ready, packs their lunches and takes them to school.

To be honest, most of the time I’m sleeping while all this is going on.

But not this morning…

As I’m laying in bed, listening to all the hustle and bustle coming from downstairs, my youngest pops in my room and climbs up in the bed with me and snuggles for a few minutes. My heart is overwhelmed with gratitude!

Gavin goes to finish getting ready for school and I’m left laying here, thanking God for how blessed I am.

With that gratitude comes conviction. I am reminded of all the times I’ve complained about the things I don’t have. When honestly I have more than enough. Literally as I write this, I’m laying in my nice comfy warm bed, when just a few miles from me there is a homeless camp.

I often get frustrated with our tiny two bedroom townhouse. But just a little over two years ago I didn’t have a home. I bounced from my dad’s house to friends untill my welcome wore out. The night I was arrested I was trying to steal a tent. In my crazy drugged out mind, living in a tent sounded like a great idea.

I am able to look back now and see that me going to jail was one of my greatest blessings. I’m sure you don’t hear very often someone say they’re thankful they went to jail lol but God used that awful situation to save my life!

When I reflect on where I came from, suddenly my townhouse doesn’t feel so tiny.

From a tent to a townhouse 😁

It is so easy for me to get consumed with wanting more, wanting a bigger house, better clothes, nicer car, etc. But are those things really necessary to live a happy life?

I think the key to being happy is being satisfied with what we have. Being grateful is a game changer!

Honestly it’s not any of my material possessions that bring me true happiness. It’s the people God has placed in my life! It’s knowing I’ve been redeemed and bought by the blood of Jesus! It’s knowing my sins are not only forgiven but forgotten and I no longer have to spend eternity in hell.

I know the holidays can be one of the most loneliest times of the year and it’s easy to focus on what we don’t have, but no matter what, we have the love of our heavenly Father who sent His only Son to die so we can have eternal life. We are not promised a life without struggle and pain but we are promised an eternal life free from any hardship, where God will provide an eternal home for the redeemed and a perfect environment for everlasting life, love, joy, and learning in His presence.

I pray as Christmas approaches we all celebrate the true meaning of Christmas and that is the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. That in its self is enough to have an attitude of gratitude!

Tis the season…

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Mine was great! My dad and oldest son came up for the holiday, this was my dad’s first time coming to see me since we moved to North Carolina. It really meant allot to me.

The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and cheer yet it seems to me they can be just the opposite.

I know I have to be very intentional about what I focus on during this time of year or I am quick to get depressed instead of joyful. Does anyone else struggle with holiday depression?

The enemy will try to get me to focus on all the things I don’t have, the family that’s no longer here or estranged, the job I recently lost, the things I can’t afford for my children.

Just watching TV can be a trigger for me. Watching Christmas movies and seeing families all together and full of love is hard when you come from a dysfunction family that is anything but a Hallmark movie lol

Even the commercials are geared to make us feel unsatisfied. I don’t know about you but I know a new cadillac or 4 carat diamond ring are not gonna be under my tree.

Like I said I have to be very intentional. If I keep my focus on the world’s example of what the holidays look like of course I’m going to be depressed and focused on all the wrong things. But if I turn my focus back to the real reason for the season, Jesus Christ, I can’t help but be full of joy!

Being thankful is a game changer. The minute I turn my focus on God and all He has done for me, everything inside me starts to shift. Depression can’t stay, sadness has to go, loneliness leaves because my Savior never does!

I know it’s hard to ignore what we may feel or what our circumstances are. It’s in those moments when we just want to give up and throw in the towel that if we cry out to Jesus, everything changes!

This holiday season, I refuse to get sucked into the trap the enemy sets. Of course he loves nothing more than to see God’s children depressed and unsatisfied instead of celebrating the life we have been freely given through Jesus. What greater gift is there than for One to lay down His life so we could have ours.

It’s not about how many presents we are able to give or receive. It’s about the greatest gift ever given and that is our Savior Jesus Christ!

Even if I have to remind myself of this everyday, I’m sure sometimes several times a day! Whatever it takes to truly appreciate and celebrate the true meaning for the holiday season.

I pray that each and every child of God unwraps the gift of their Savior and experiences the joy of the Lord this day and each and every day that’s to come.

Happy Holidays my friends!


Photo by Ravi Kant on

Dearest Beloved,

For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. This light within you only produces what is good, right and true. You lived in this world without God and without hope. But now you have been united with Christ Jesus. Once you were far away from God, but now you have been brought near to Him through the blood of Christ. He has created you anew in Christ, so you can do the things He planned long ago.

Because of Christ and your faith in Him, you can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence. So I pray that from His glorious, unlimited resources He will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit. Then Christ will make His home in your hearts and as you trust in Him your roots will grow deep down into God’s love and keep you strong. And you may have the power to understand, how deep His love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all fullness of life and power that comes from God.

You are members of God’s family , He decided in advance to adopt you by bringing you to Himself through Jesus Christ. Even before He made the world, God loved you and chose you to be holy and without fault in His eyes through Jesus Christ. That is what He wanted to do, in fact it gave Him great pleasure! Furthermore, because you are united with Christ, you have received an inheritance from God, for He chose you in advance and He makes everything work out according to His plan.

He is so rich in kindness and grace that He purchased your freedom with the blood of His Son and forgave your sins. He has showered all kindness on you, along with all wisdom and understanding. He did all this so you, His holy people who are His rich and glorious inheritance, would praise and glorify Him! Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power, to accomplish infinitely more than we can ask or even think.

Understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for you who believe. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms! I beg you to live a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God!

This is written from Ephesians chapter one through five. I pray it blesses you reading it as much as it did me writing it!

You Are More….

This song came as an answer to my prayer this morning.

After doing a devotion with my husband about our “true self”. I really started wondering how many of us know our “true self”?

Is our true self based on our accomplishments? Our failure’s? Are we who our family or friends say we are?

Where do we get an accurate view of ourselves?

I let the words of that song wash over me.

I pray you listen to the song and you really hear it for the first time as if Jesus Himself is singing it over you.

You are more than the choices that you’ve made, you are more than the sum of your past mistakes, you are more than the problems you create, you’ve been remade.”

Oh Glorious Day!!!

What a breathtaking view…

Short video testimony 😁🌊🌞

I used to not like the beach! Can you believe that? What kind of person doesn’t like the beach?!?

Honestly, I didn’t like much of anything.

I was so broken and lost, I was unable to see the beauty that was all around me.


He gave me new life, a new set of eyes to see the beauty.

It is nothing short of a miracle that less than three years ago, I longed for death.

Now I wake up excited about life!

I tried so many different ways to fill the void in my life. Drugs, alcohol, relationships, self-help, suicide, spiritualism, you name and I tried it!

When I finally came to the end of myself and had no where else to turn…

I cried out to Jesus!

And I have seen miracle after miracle. Complete transformation and restoration!

He’s waiting to do the same for you!

Sold Out For Jesus

One of my favorite quotes comes from an unlikely source. I think Brian “Head” Welch, from Korn said it best when he said “I went hard after sex, drugs, and everything else bad, now I’m going harder after Jesus”! He had an amazing encounter with God that changed his whole world. He is now “sold out for Jesus”!

I watched his documentary not long after giving my life to the Lord. It really inspired me.

I put in so much effort maintaining my toxic lifestyle. Being a drug addict is hard work. It’s constant hustle, lies, running, lies, lies and more lies. It’s exhausting just tryin to keep up with what lies you told who and trying to maintain the lies you’ve built up in your own mind.

As I said being a drug addict is hard work. That’s why I honestly believe we have an advantage over most people. There is a drive inside of us that is unstoppable and once we learn to direct that in the right direction, there is absolutely nothing we can’t accomplish.

When I heard Brian say “Go harder for Jesus” something began to rise up in me. It got me thinking about how much effort I wasted doing the wrong thing and how much God could accomplish if I put that effort into Him.

These past two years have been the best years of my life! And the best part is, this is just the beginning! With God there is always more!

Isn’t that exciting?!?

Not everyone in your circle is going to understand. Honestly you will probably lose some people. Don’t take it personally, I’ve learned its not me personally, it’s that I live my life in a way that is convicting to those not “sold out for Jesus”.

I can reassure you that God will bring the right people into your life. You will be an inspiration for others. There will be an unshakable joy you will have that others will want. You will be a light for those in the darkness!

You have nothing to lose but everything to gain!

Our days now are filled with so much uncertainty and confusion. The news stations want us filled with fear and hate for anyone different from us. You can’t go anywhere with out seeing the brokeness of humanity.

That is the opposite of God’s Kingdom!

“Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” – Luke 2:10

“Fear not, little flock, for it is the Father’s pleasure to give you the Kingdom.”– Luke 12:32

“…for God gave us a spirit NOT of fear but of POWER, LOVE and SELF-CONTROL.”– 2 Timothy 1:7

There is 365 verses telling us not to fear! That’s a reminder for every day of the year. I think God really wants us to understand that when we are in His Kingdom, we have nothing to fear.

Now does that mean we don’t have times where our flesh takes over and worry takes over? Of course not, we are human! The great thing is God knows this and that’s why He gives us so many promises to lean on.

In my life, “being sold out for Jesus” look like not allowing my circumstances determine the goodness of God. It looks like thanking Him for closing doors when I lose my job. It looks like coming before His throne broken and allowing Him to put me back together. It looks like singing His praises as loud as I can through my pain. It looks like looking to His Word for comfort and instruction instead of the world. It looks like serving others and loving on the lost and broken. It looks like having the certainty that no matter what He is on the throne and His plans are good!

You can’t go wrong giving it all to Jesus! If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably tried a million different things to find peace, only to end up more and more hopeless. “May the God of hope fill you all with joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (Romans 15:13).

I honestly believe once you lay it all out on the line, all your doubts, fears, insecurities, shame and brokenness at the feet of Jesus and watch the miracle He will work in you and through you. You too will be “sold out for Jesus”!