Sold Out For Jesus

One of my favorite quotes comes from an unlikely source. I think Brian “Head” Welch, from Korn said it best when he said “I went hard after sex, drugs, and everything else bad, now I’m going harder after Jesus”! He had an amazing encounter with God that changed his whole world. He is now “sold out for Jesus”!

I watched his documentary not long after giving my life to the Lord. It really inspired me.

I put in so much effort maintaining my toxic lifestyle. Being a drug addict is hard work. It’s constant hustle, lies, running, lies, lies and more lies. It’s exhausting just tryin to keep up with what lies you told who and trying to maintain the lies you’ve built up in your own mind.

As I said being a drug addict is hard work. That’s why I honestly believe we have an advantage over most people. There is a drive inside of us that is unstoppable and once we learn to direct that in the right direction, there is absolutely nothing we can’t accomplish.

When I heard Brian say “Go harder for Jesus” something began to rise up in me. It got me thinking about how much effort I wasted doing the wrong thing and how much God could accomplish if I put that effort into Him.

These past two years have been the best years of my life! And the best part is, this is just the beginning! With God there is always more!

Isn’t that exciting?!?

Not everyone in your circle is going to understand. Honestly you will probably lose some people. Don’t take it personally, I’ve learned its not me personally, it’s that I live my life in a way that is convicting to those not “sold out for Jesus”.

I can reassure you that God will bring the right people into your life. You will be an inspiration for others. There will be an unshakable joy you will have that others will want. You will be a light for those in the darkness!

You have nothing to lose but everything to gain!

Our days now are filled with so much uncertainty and confusion. The news stations want us filled with fear and hate for anyone different from us. You can’t go anywhere with out seeing the brokeness of humanity.

That is the opposite of God’s Kingdom!

“Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” – Luke 2:10

“Fear not, little flock, for it is the Father’s pleasure to give you the Kingdom.”– Luke 12:32

“…for God gave us a spirit NOT of fear but of POWER, LOVE and SELF-CONTROL.”– 2 Timothy 1:7

There is 365 verses telling us not to fear! That’s a reminder for every day of the year. I think God really wants us to understand that when we are in His Kingdom, we have nothing to fear.

Now does that mean we don’t have times where our flesh takes over and worry takes over? Of course not, we are human! The great thing is God knows this and that’s why He gives us so many promises to lean on.

In my life, “being sold out for Jesus” look like not allowing my circumstances determine the goodness of God. It looks like thanking Him for closing doors when I lose my job. It looks like coming before His throne broken and allowing Him to put me back together. It looks like singing His praises as loud as I can through my pain. It looks like looking to His Word for comfort and instruction instead of the world. It looks like serving others and loving on the lost and broken. It looks like having the certainty that no matter what He is on the throne and His plans are good!

You can’t go wrong giving it all to Jesus! If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably tried a million different things to find peace, only to end up more and more hopeless. “May the God of hope fill you all with joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (Romans 15:13).

I honestly believe once you lay it all out on the line, all your doubts, fears, insecurities, shame and brokenness at the feet of Jesus and watch the miracle He will work in you and through you. You too will be “sold out for Jesus”!

Author: mirrandajoe

I am a wife to an amazing God loving man and mother to three wonderful children. I spent most of my life trapped in the bondage of addiction. It took losing everything, including my hope and ending up in jail, to finally call out to Jesus. Since that day, He has completely delivered me addiction, restored my marriage and family and given me a new life! A new life full of beauty, love, and hope! I started this blog to share my struggles as well as my victories. The refining process is not always pleasant, but it is always worth it. My prayer is to give others hope and maybe even a laugh or two at my craziness.

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