Fear is a liar

Yesterday evening we went to the park, it was one of those pinch me perfect times. The kids got along, we danced and laughed the whole way and not one time did I hear “I hate you” coming from the backseat, that in its self is a miracle.
After our walk we went to the playground. Immediately Gavin goes and sits on this spinning seat. He gets on and says “im a little scared momma”. A little scared yet he got right on up there! How many times have I been “a little scared” and let that fear cripple me? How many times have I talked myself right out of happiness, success, anything new or different? Fear you are a liar!
Honestly at this point what’s the worst thing that could happen? Death??? I like what Paul says about that, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” Philippians 1:21. So again I say fear you are a liar! From now on im taking the route my 5 year old does and tackling the thing that scares me 1st, all with a smile on my face!

The LORD is my light and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? Psalm 27:1

Author: mirrandajoe

I am a wife to an amazing God loving man and mother to three wonderful children. I spent most of my life trapped in the bondage of addiction. It took losing everything, including my hope and ending up in jail, to finally call out to Jesus. Since that day, He has completely delivered me addiction, restored my marriage and family and given me a new life! A new life full of beauty, love, and hope! I started this blog to share my struggles as well as my victories. The refining process is not always pleasant, but it is always worth it. My prayer is to give others hope and maybe even a laugh or two at my craziness.

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